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  • We're Laughing at the Jokes, Not Your Artwork

    Here are silly jokes about art and art supplies that you can tell you Valentine.
  • When to Introduce Art Supplies to Children

    The earlier you can introduce your little one to art and expression of any kind, the more that they will benefit. Expressing ourselves through art, writing and music helps our brains wire up and rewire.
  • Color Swell - Silly Jokes about Art Supplies - January 2023

    We hope that you are having a great start to 2023!  Here are some funny jokes about art to help you start the New Year off with a laugh.   Please v...
  • How to Make Backgrounds Realistic and Compelling

    The background in an essential part of a composition that can make or break a piece by, for example, drawing too much attention away from the subje...
  • How to Have More Creative Energy?

    Around wintertime we often face dark skies, little daylight and a general malaise that can - combined with endless social and work demands - have a...
  • Eraser Stamp Art Project

    Color Swell erasers can be used for a great project - as ink stamps! You can create your own eraser stamps and have all sorts of fun. Tools to Make...
  • Art Supplies Are No Laughing Matter

    Happy Holidays!Here are some jokes that you can tell your friends, families, and colleagues during this month's holiday parties. Visit www.ColorSwe...
  • Ways of Keeping Your Child Occupied with Restaurant Crayons

    Kids sometime find restaurants to be a bit dull. Crayons are widely seen as the best way of keeping children occupied while waiting for food.  A br...
  • Art Project: Collage Landscapes

    What is a Collage Landscape? A collage landscape is a piece of paper on which you place or glue objects to get a textured image of a landscape. This might include cotton balls for clouds, blue paper for sea, and leaves for trees.

  • November Jokes about Art Supplies from Color Swell

    It is November, so that means that the holidays are right around the corner. Here are some jokes that you can tell your friends, families, and coll...
  • How to Use White Crayons, Colored Pencils, and Watercolors

    Why are there white watercolors, crayons and colored pencils? It may seem odd given that much of the paper you draw on is actually white. But there are some very good reasons to use the color white in your art work!
  • Create a Photo Book of Your Art Projects

    Kids produce a lot of art in their creative moments. Before you know it your walls are covered and there are stacks more to put up. In a previous C...