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Color Swell - A Joke About Two Artists and an Art Project called Rocks for Painting. (Rocks to Paint)

Here's a funny joke about an artist's studio and instructions for an art project called "Painted Rocks".  Rocks for Painting.

Joke About an Artist's Studio

Q: Why was the artist’s studio so cold?

A: Because it had a lot of drafts.

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Project:  Sock Puppets

Materials Needed:

  • Smooth rocks. rocks for painting​
  • Color Swell markers
  • Color Swell watercolors 
  • rock painting kit​
  • Safety mat: newspaper or cloth (recommended)

Instructions:( rocks to paint ​)

  • Step 1: Collect and clean smooth rocks.
  • Step 2: Completely dry the rocks.
  • Step 3: Use watercolors to add background colors.
  • Step 4: Color the rocks with markers to draw patterns, words, and shapes.
  • Step 5: Display the rocks indoors or outdoors.

Tips for Success:

  • Supervision: Depending on the age group, adult supervision may be needed, especially when using scissors, glue, or any potentially messy materials.
  • Encouragement: Encourage creativity and experimentation. Art projects are a great opportunity for kids to explore their imagination.
  • Display: Once completed, display the artwork proudly! It boosts children's confidence and encourages further creativity.

Have a colorful day! 

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