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Artistic Crafts to Try for the Holidays

Whether on vacation with the family or simply looking for fun ways to keep the kids off their phones, crafts are a great pastime to keep everyone occupied. Here are several ideas for craft projects for children.


Sketching is a mindful way of becoming more aware of your surroundings. All you need are some colored pencils and some paper. Start by talking to them about their surroundings and then let them work independently to produce their best work.

Paper Bag Scrapbook

Kids might want souvenirs from their vacations and even their day-to-day activities, such as shells or rocks from the coast, foreign currency coins, or a stick/leaves from a woodland adventure.

Gather a paper lunch bag and broad line markers, super tip markers, and/or colored pencils and allow them to freely decorate the lunch bag for a personalized collectible.

Kite or Windsock

Get a piece of cardstock or heavy paper and form it into a tube (by carefully applying glue or staples). Aim for something six to eight inches in diameter and three to five inches long. Decorate the tube with markers and colored pencils.  Add strips of tissue paper, lengths of colored wool, and anything else light enough to stream behind it.

Add a string or cord to the middle or end of the tube. Be sure to supervise the activity because a tangled string could be a choking hazard. 

Use Color Swell materials for Your Fun!

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