Inspiring Students in Art
Inspiration can come from a host of sources. Here are ideas to help inspire your students to create art from inside or outside the classroom.
Phone Cameras
Not all students are allowed or able to use their smartphones in a school environment or with a class outside. Why not bend the rules?
The student might be encouraged to do some homework with their phone camera in the wild. Instruct them to capture a scene or object.
Having a smartphone can also be an asset on a class trip, such as to a museum or in the wilderness. The students can capture the things that trigger them, like fungus in the woods, a wild coastal scene, or even just a street scene.
Sketching is a form of mindfulness. Students can do the things we described above with their smartphones by using only a set of pencils and a piece of paper. Sit in a spot and set a task to capture an object or scene. The students might find a quiet moment or two as they learn to examine their surroundings.
Back to the Classroom
After the students have captured the image, either in pencil or on their phones, then discuss the images they have captured. Then the images can come to life in your classroom. Whatever the medium, let your students create their art from whatever they have encountered in the world.
Use Color Swell Art Supplies
Whether colored pencils, crayons, markers or watercolors, be sure to use affordable and high quality Color Swell art supplies.
Color Swell art supplies can help inspire your classroom or club art class.